A Guide to the National Gallery - náhled

A Guide to the National Gallery (1980)

popis: Contents: Foreword by Michael Levey, The Early Italian Schools, The Sixteenth and Seventeenth...

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antikvariatshop.sk (Bardejov)
Doprava: od 1.99 € (~ 53.7 Kč)
3.42 € (~ 92 Kč)
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An Apollo and Petasus Binding. Sold by order of the Trustees of the Bibliotheca Wittockiana [aukční katalog] - náhled

An Apollo and Petasus Binding. Sold by order of the Trustees of the Bibliotheca Wittockiana [aukční katalog] (1996)

popis: Katalog k aukci třísvazkového Dictionarium, seu Latinae linguae Thesaurus (Paříž 1543)...

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Antikvariat Valentinská (Praha 7 - Holešovice)
Doprava: od 80 Kč
250 Kč
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