Manson's Tropical Diseases - náhled

Manson's Tropical Diseases (1976)

popis: This widely used textbook, now in its seventeenth edition, provides a practical handbook of...

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Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine - náhled

Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine (1978)

popis: Textbook for students and doctors. Contents: Genetic Factors in Disease, Immunological Factors in...

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Textbook of Medical Treatment - náhled

Textbook of Medical Treatment (1971)

popis: This edition of the Textbook of Medical Treatment differs from all of the preceding eleven...

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Disease in Infancy and Childhood - náhled

Disease in Infancy and Childhood (1968)

popis: The English language book society, an association of leading British publishers, brings you...

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Human nutrition and dietetics - náhled

Human nutrition and dietetics (1975)

popis: This book will interest anyone who wishes to apply modern scientific knowledge to the practical...

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